Thursday, April 8, 2010

Kat and "friends" for STJ

I am trying to finish this Kat and his "friends" for STJ by the 10th....not sure I  am going to make it.  I had arthroscopic surgery on my left knee on the 19th and am going to Physical therapy three times a week.  Have not had the desire to do much sculpting because of the pain; but,things are looking up.  Here is this he the Cheshire Kat holding Alice and the Rabbit??????


  1. Thank you Joanna!!! Every day is showing improvement......thank goodness.

  2. Hi Bonnie,
    Kat and friends is very clever! I am looking forward to see their completion.
    OOOh, ouch! take care of that knee.
    I am sending prayers and healing thoughts for a speedy recovery!


  3. Thanks Diane. It looks as if the Kat will get finished and every day is better with the knee...glad you stopped by!!!!!!!!
